BOTWISE step by step
BOTWISE is an application that allows to easily manage the distributed knowledge of the organization. Let's see how it works step by step.
BOTWISE is an application that allows to easily manage the distributed knowledge of the organization. Let's see how it works step by step.
Excellent customer service has the power to stimulate the business success while poor customer service is the shortest way to kill it. What is more, generating a poor customer service experience will not defend itself with anything, not even large-scale marketing activities.
Prompt and professional phone customer service is key to client acquisition and retention. Shortcomings in this field lead to loss of clients and a decrease in revenues. Check what to avoid in telephone customer service?
HR KPIs are very powerful and give valuable insights on, for example, how to improve the recruiting processes, lower the turnover rate, raise the retention rate, estimate training costs or improve social corporate culture. Let's check which KPIs, HR managers should measure in 2022.
The new generation of customers wants to have choice, transparency, flexibility, highly personalized and quick service. Let's have a look at how customer service will change in the future, what trends will it face, and what value will this bring to the client.
Companies are beginning to understand that even the best product won't help if they don't care for the customer properly. Why customer service is so important? How it affects the success of the organization?
For customer service to run like a well-oiled machine, every aspect of your business needs to be optimized. What are the customer service challenges, weaknesses, and processes that can be improved?
More and more searches are not driving traffic to the pages found, in other words, fewer and fewer people are clicking on the results. Why is this happening? Is Google showing only the ads themselves, so that none of the information is interesting enough for the user? Nothing could be more wrong.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are, as the name suggests, crucial to the development of any business. As Peter Drucker, a prominent management expert once said, "you cannot manage something that cannot be measured." If you don't measure KPIs, how would you rate the success of your activities?
Numerous researches prove that searching for information kills productivity at work. Why is it so time-consuming? And what can be done to make it more efficient?
Every business faces different challenges, and applying the right solution gives you a competitive advantage. See how machine learning models or algorithms can help solve business problems and optimize processes!
The more engaged employees are, the more chances the organization has for business success. So how to build employee engagement? Here are 8 simple but powerful steps.